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סיור אמנות פרטי 


At Tate Britain Museum. 


Including over 150 works, the show dismantles stereotypes surrounding women artists in history, who were often thought of as amateurs. Determined to succeed and refusing to be boxed in, they daringly painted what were usually thought to be subjects for male artists: history pieces, battle scenes and the nude.

The exhibition sheds light on how these artists championed equal access to art training and academy membership, breaking boundaries and overcoming many obstacles to establish what it meant to be a woman in the art world.


Please go over our cancellation policy;

If you cancel or postpone your art-tour up until 10 days beforehand- You will get a full refund. 7 days before = 70% refund.If you cancel your tour in the week prior to your tour date, we would only be able to refund you with %50 of your purchase.


עד -10 ימים לפני הסיור - החזר מלא

עד שבוע לפני החזר של 70% מסכום הסיור

ביטולים בשבוע לפני תאריך הסיור החזר של 50% מסכום הסיור.

במידה וארטלונדון מבטלת את הסיור- החזר מלא ללקוח/ה והנחה מיוחדת  לסיור עתידי.

Private Art Tour- Tate Britain 27.5.2024

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